Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Blog Post #5

I first listened to Eagle's Nest Radio and i thought that these students did a great job creating their class podcasts. I listened to the one about sharks and they provided me with facts and information about sharks that i have never known.
Next I read Langwitches blog and it explained how the teacher put together some podcasts for her students and how these podcasts actually were a benefit for her students with improving things such as listening, speaking, and presenting skills.
I listened to The Benefits of Podcasting and it is obviously about what the title claims. It tells of many ways that podcasting can benefit students. Like an example being, what does a teacher do when he/she has a student that is absent for a long period of time. Their answer was that you can upload podcasts and the student from home can get the materials and classwork for the day.
By doing all this, I learned that you are able to put different segments of people speaking into one continuous podcast by pausing and inserting other peoples podcasts. Also i learned that you can add music to the background of your podcasts. These assignments helped me learn a list of ways that podcasting can benefit students by things such as outside the classroom interaction and also that podcasting opens students to creativity and a new way of learning.


  1. Lots of bull sharks in Mobile Bay! Do you think you will use podcasts in your teaching?

  2. It would be a very useful tool if i do. I actually have a course now where we go to class one day a week and do group activities but the actual course information (lectures) are podcasts located on itunesU.

  3. Hey, Cody!

    I listened to Eagles' Nest Radio too! I was really impressed and thought these kids did a great job at podcasting.

    I didn't read/listen to the next two though (Langwitches and The Benefits of Podcasting), but you definitely made them seem very interesting.

    "These assignments helped me learn a list of ways that podcasting can benefit students by things such as outside the classroom interaction and also that podcasting opens students to creativity and a new way of learning."

    I felt the same way after completing this assignment!
