In researching what the Alabama Learning Exchange(ALEX) is i found that it is a very useful site with many resources available for teachers. It allows you to research different courses of study, lesson plans, web resources, podcasts and more. I did a search and found a lesson plan for a science curriculum, 11-12 grades, biology and physics as the subject. I found all sorts of different lesson plans that can be used in my classroom once i become a teacher. When you go to an actual lesson you like, it gives you an overview of the experiment, objectives, equipment, resources, procedures, and strategies for each lesson you want to choose. I think this will eb a very useful tool in my classroom because as a science teacher i will always be looking for new fun labs to do in my biology, chemistry, and physics classes to keep them more interesting and to actually change things up for the students every once in a while.
The course of study link allows you to select your certain field and then gives you basically a whole semesters lesson guide to your certain subject. So you can use this as a guideline to create your lesson plans for the year in your classroom. This website also has links to presentations to help you plan for and recieve grants. It gives you presentations on grant-writing tips, grant project frameworking, and more. You also have access to English Language Learners(ELL) resources where they give you information on practices, organizations, and how to involve parents of ELL students. It also gives you links to pages to find tips, tricks, and tutorials on a variety of technology tools.
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