Friday, November 5, 2010

Summary C4K #3-7

I was assigned to comment on Stevensons Post. It was a video that a student from Pt England School in Auckland, New Zealand. In this video he read a story about Kupe and his journey across the pacific ocean. I commented on his post and told him what a great job reading he did and that i didnt even think i could make that journey.

My next blog was of a 5th grade girl. Her name was Paige. She had posted on her blog a little sales pitch for what her product was, what kind of sales she had for her product, and hy you should buy it. It was all about sports equipment. I told her that she did a great post and that she could have a career in being a sales representative. I told her that her post made me want to buy some of her product!

My C4K#5 was to comment on Caitlyns Blog. She is a student in Miss W's class in Australia. Caitlyn posted about three things that make her angry and how she deals with anger. She explained one certain instance where her sister took something of hers and didnt tell her until after Caitlyn herself didnt need it anymore. She said that they started arguing and she started to yell at her sister. I told her that in reading her blog it actually kind of made me laugh. The reason for this of course is because i too have a sibling at home, a younger brother. I told her that he does the same things to me as her sister is doing to her, but i told her that she shouldnt be so hard on her sister because if she is planning on going far away for college she is going to miss those times she has had with her sister. The only thing she will remember is fighting so make good memories while you can!

My next blog was HannahK's Blog. She is a 6th grade student in Iowa. Her blog post was about her favorite cousin. She told of the fun times that her and her cousin have together and of the times that they sometimes get in trouble. I told her that i too have a favorite cousin and that we have the same kind of relationship. We love going and riding four wheelers and fishing together and occasionally get into a little bit of trouble. I also told her of how we used to spend the night out in our tree fort. I said that it was some of the best times i had as a kid.

My last comment was on a middle school student who has just created a blog for the first time. His name was Nagrom. His post was simple since it was his first ever. He did actually incorporate a picture into his blog and he asked that we comment on it and suggest names for his picture. I told him he did a great post especially for his first time since he put that picture up. He said that he liked the picture because it had lines going every different way and so many name suggestions were like geometry or complicated or even tapestry.

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