Saturday, December 11, 2010
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Final Report on PLN
My PLN is making much more progress than it was before. I have a twitter account which i dont use as much as everything else, i have a skype account which i use to connect with my friends at other schools, and i use all sorts of new technology that we have learned about in class. Technology such as the smartboards, screentoaster, my blog, etc. I currently follow william chamberlain, jamie lynn, pv baggett, anthony capps, interpid teacher, jags football, and dianne chamberlain on my twitter account. For my blogs, whenever i am assigned to comment on a C4T i subscribe to that teachers blog and get any notifications if they comment back on my comment post. I follow John T. Spencer, concrete classroom, Wm Chamberlain, jk mcclung, and the dragon physics blog by gene gordon. My PLN has definitely grown since the middle of the semester and i believe that all the people i follow and the information ive learned from it will help me to become a better teacher.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
C4T #4 Summary Post
For our comments for teachers assignment, i was assigned to comment on Gene Gordon's Dragon Physics Blog. For his first blog post, it was called Through a Mirror Darkly. This post was about his experience meeting an old friend that he hasnt seen in over 15 years. He explained how this teacher had become his role model for how he wanted to turn out as a teacher. He wanted to change the world. He then told a story of unfortunate events of why he had to leave the school he was at and of where he ended up. And as he was talking with his old friend the discussion came about that the teacher he had once modeled his career around and wanted to be some much like has gotten out of teaching because he was "burned out." This shocked Mr. Gordon and led him to question things. As he goes on though, he finally realizes he has done the best he can where he is at at trying to change the world of education for the better.
I commented on his post telling him how inspirational it was and how refreshing to was to see a teacher who would do anything to help his students. I told him that even after his incident, it is amazing that he stuck with being a teacher and still wanted to help children as best he could.
His next blog i had to comment on was called Family Roles. This post was about his mother who recently died from cancer and how his life years ago still follow him to this day. He says that he definitely has regrets about his life but that is all it is, regrets. He Says that he has made a coat some thirty years ago to wear but cant seem to get it off and show people he has changed.
I commented telling him that in reading his first post, i was very inspired. So i told him that with that, i don't know him personally but i can tell he has certainly changed for the best. He has transformed into a caring teacher who is willing to do anything for his students, which is hard to find these days.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Summary C4K November
For my first C4K#8 i commented on a little girls blog who is in Kathy Cassidy's 1st grade class. I had to comment on a picture the little girl drew with a title of "I can look with my eyes." I told her what a wonderful job she did and how her blog was looking very good.
The next C4K#9, i commented on a kid named Tyler's Blog. His post was of a story that he possibly made up or read, but either way it was a very interesting story about 3 boys getting stuck on an island looking for a control tower. The kids met a snake, killed it, and lived happily ever after. I commented telling him that was a fantastic story and that he had a great blog. I asked himif he made the story up but he never got back to me on that..
Next C4K#10 i commented on Alexie's blog who is a student in Mrs. Parris's class. The post was about planting some cress seeds at school and watching them grow on a piece of cotton wool. She said that the very next saturday and sunday the seeds started to grow. I told her that we plant seeds on my farm and that when they spill into the back of the truck that the seeds will grow in the back just like its on the ground.
The C4K#11 was to comment on a student in Mrs. Huebner's 2nd grade class named Amy. Her post was about what the kids did in class that day, which was to skype with a man named Christopher Lee who happens to be a relative of Christopher Columbus. They talked with him about Columbus and learned many new things about him. I commented saying that what they had learned was very interesting and new to me. I told her that i was unaware that Columbus had a son named Diego as well.
For the C4K#12 it was the special assignment to comment on Yasmines blog. Her post was a video about a little girl riding and training her little horse. I told her that it was a very interesting video and that the horse in the video was a very talented for doing what it did in the video. I told her what my favorite part was and asked her how she found the video.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Additional Assignment #5
The Medium Shapes The Learning
This post was about using other means and tools such as technology in our lesson plan and in our work in the classroom. He suggests that it isnt the tool that we use, it is simply the fact that whichever you do use will end up reshaping learning in ways that we sometimes fail to recognize.
He Just Likes The Class For The Pencils
In this post he discusses how he runs his classroom, freely when you obey the rules but stict if necessary. He also presented a situation where a student didnt know why he love the teachers class, but he did. Most of the other teachers thought he only loved his class because of the resources he had in his class such as computers, but in reality it wasnt just the computers. The student loved the class because the teacher actually understood, respected, listened, gained a relationship with them, and was their friend. I believe this is how every teacher and classroom should be ran and i hope mine is as well.
Sketchy Portraits
In this post he uses a pencil as a metaphor for middle school students lives. He says instead of being a black and white world(ink) they now see gray(pencil) meaning that they see uncertainty. He explains that its just their age the way they act and that at this age they want to be treated like adults and like children, hence the gray. The teacher he talks about sees that it can only be one way or the other and he says that she is writing the world in ink and that there is no room for gray areas or uncertainty in the world. He is sketching it out in pencil and that he is able to see both sides of the situation, which i believe will help in the long run.
Just Teach Them To Solve For X
In this post he makes an interesting conection with the use of metephors and the meaning of the variable "X". He has the students use metaphor to understand the value of "X" not just simply learn how to solve for it. I believe this will help his students become a step ahead because he is teaching them to understand the work and data not just plug and chug memorizations. The value "X" is abstract in math and he says that metaphors are humans ways of making sense out of the abstract, and this is why he has his students do what they do with metaphors in math class, all to help them understand.
This post was about using other means and tools such as technology in our lesson plan and in our work in the classroom. He suggests that it isnt the tool that we use, it is simply the fact that whichever you do use will end up reshaping learning in ways that we sometimes fail to recognize.
He Just Likes The Class For The Pencils
In this post he discusses how he runs his classroom, freely when you obey the rules but stict if necessary. He also presented a situation where a student didnt know why he love the teachers class, but he did. Most of the other teachers thought he only loved his class because of the resources he had in his class such as computers, but in reality it wasnt just the computers. The student loved the class because the teacher actually understood, respected, listened, gained a relationship with them, and was their friend. I believe this is how every teacher and classroom should be ran and i hope mine is as well.
Sketchy Portraits
In this post he uses a pencil as a metaphor for middle school students lives. He says instead of being a black and white world(ink) they now see gray(pencil) meaning that they see uncertainty. He explains that its just their age the way they act and that at this age they want to be treated like adults and like children, hence the gray. The teacher he talks about sees that it can only be one way or the other and he says that she is writing the world in ink and that there is no room for gray areas or uncertainty in the world. He is sketching it out in pencil and that he is able to see both sides of the situation, which i believe will help in the long run.
Just Teach Them To Solve For X
In this post he makes an interesting conection with the use of metephors and the meaning of the variable "X". He has the students use metaphor to understand the value of "X" not just simply learn how to solve for it. I believe this will help his students become a step ahead because he is teaching them to understand the work and data not just plug and chug memorizations. The value "X" is abstract in math and he says that metaphors are humans ways of making sense out of the abstract, and this is why he has his students do what they do with metaphors in math class, all to help them understand.
Blog Post #13
In researching what the Alabama Learning Exchange(ALEX) is i found that it is a very useful site with many resources available for teachers. It allows you to research different courses of study, lesson plans, web resources, podcasts and more. I did a search and found a lesson plan for a science curriculum, 11-12 grades, biology and physics as the subject. I found all sorts of different lesson plans that can be used in my classroom once i become a teacher. When you go to an actual lesson you like, it gives you an overview of the experiment, objectives, equipment, resources, procedures, and strategies for each lesson you want to choose. I think this will eb a very useful tool in my classroom because as a science teacher i will always be looking for new fun labs to do in my biology, chemistry, and physics classes to keep them more interesting and to actually change things up for the students every once in a while.
The course of study link allows you to select your certain field and then gives you basically a whole semesters lesson guide to your certain subject. So you can use this as a guideline to create your lesson plans for the year in your classroom. This website also has links to presentations to help you plan for and recieve grants. It gives you presentations on grant-writing tips, grant project frameworking, and more. You also have access to English Language Learners(ELL) resources where they give you information on practices, organizations, and how to involve parents of ELL students. It also gives you links to pages to find tips, tricks, and tutorials on a variety of technology tools.
The course of study link allows you to select your certain field and then gives you basically a whole semesters lesson guide to your certain subject. So you can use this as a guideline to create your lesson plans for the year in your classroom. This website also has links to presentations to help you plan for and recieve grants. It gives you presentations on grant-writing tips, grant project frameworking, and more. You also have access to English Language Learners(ELL) resources where they give you information on practices, organizations, and how to involve parents of ELL students. It also gives you links to pages to find tips, tricks, and tutorials on a variety of technology tools.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Questionaire Results Project #6
In doing this questionaire i was investigating what students thoughts were about online classes. I found that in our class the majority of the students were juniors so that gave me the opportunity to assume that these students have had both online and lecture classes. About 32% had at least 3 or more online classes. Of my twenty two responses, 73% didnt like to take online classes and i would fall under that category as well. About 60% of the students thought that not getting the teacher-student interaction in the classroom affected their learning ability. The same percentage thoguht that online tests however were easier than regular lecture tests. 68% of the students found it harder to contact their online teacher for help than the actual lecture teacher. 73% of the students decided that it depended on the subject whether online classes were harder or easier. A shocking 100% of the students thought that they gained more practical knowledge in a normal lecture class than an online class. 50% of the students said that they would never take an onilne class again if given the choice. 55% of the students thought that it depends on the subject whether online classes are a good way to learn or not.
This helped me to gain insight on how other students feel compared to my thoughts on online classes. For the most part, my answers for the questionaire reflected the general popululations answers that i have listed. Therefore this helped me to know that it is not just me that believes this way, it is others as well. I also learned that 68% of students found it harder for them to contact their teacher in an online class than a regular lecture class. I felt this way too because of a certain online class that i had in the past but i felt that it may have just been me. So when i asked this question i was shocked to find out that many others had this problem in a lot of different classes as i did.
Final Project Progress Report
For project #16 i am working with Cole Mashburn. Our idea now is to make a video showing the uses of technology in the classroom (all different tyes) while at the same time explaining how technology could help a teacher if he/she decided to use it. So it is sort of an instructional/persuasive video for teachers not using technology yet. Ideas include: the pros of making a blog, using smartboards, skype, blogging in general, google earth and lit trips, twitter, etc.
Blog Post #12
Read the post at . It is a blog post of Whitney Beaulac who is a student at SNHU and is trying to become a teacher. She is in EDU-685 and the purpose of her blog is to track the discussions for that class on how technology is utilized in the classroom. Comment on her post whether you agree, disagree, or have any questions or comments for her post.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Summary C4K #3-7
I was assigned to comment on Stevensons Post. It was a video that a student from Pt England School in Auckland, New Zealand. In this video he read a story about Kupe and his journey across the pacific ocean. I commented on his post and told him what a great job reading he did and that i didnt even think i could make that journey.
My next blog was of a 5th grade girl. Her name was Paige. She had posted on her blog a little sales pitch for what her product was, what kind of sales she had for her product, and hy you should buy it. It was all about sports equipment. I told her that she did a great post and that she could have a career in being a sales representative. I told her that her post made me want to buy some of her product!
My C4K#5 was to comment on Caitlyns Blog. She is a student in Miss W's class in Australia. Caitlyn posted about three things that make her angry and how she deals with anger. She explained one certain instance where her sister took something of hers and didnt tell her until after Caitlyn herself didnt need it anymore. She said that they started arguing and she started to yell at her sister. I told her that in reading her blog it actually kind of made me laugh. The reason for this of course is because i too have a sibling at home, a younger brother. I told her that he does the same things to me as her sister is doing to her, but i told her that she shouldnt be so hard on her sister because if she is planning on going far away for college she is going to miss those times she has had with her sister. The only thing she will remember is fighting so make good memories while you can!
My next blog was HannahK's Blog. She is a 6th grade student in Iowa. Her blog post was about her favorite cousin. She told of the fun times that her and her cousin have together and of the times that they sometimes get in trouble. I told her that i too have a favorite cousin and that we have the same kind of relationship. We love going and riding four wheelers and fishing together and occasionally get into a little bit of trouble. I also told her of how we used to spend the night out in our tree fort. I said that it was some of the best times i had as a kid.
My last comment was on a middle school student who has just created a blog for the first time. His name was Nagrom. His post was simple since it was his first ever. He did actually incorporate a picture into his blog and he asked that we comment on it and suggest names for his picture. I told him he did a great post especially for his first time since he put that picture up. He said that he liked the picture because it had lines going every different way and so many name suggestions were like geometry or complicated or even tapestry.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Summary Post C4T#3
I was assigned to comment on two blog posts of Mr. Michael Kaechele. His blog page is called Concrete Classroom. The first was Ode To Concrete. This post was something he wrote for the national day of writing. He gives a few examples of what concrete is and what concrete isn't. He loves it and so he believes concrete is beautiful, hard, natural, and aggregate just to name a few things. I told him that i have never looked at concrete in the way he suggests. I am from the country and so looking at concrete i see his other examples of what concrete is. Things like ugly, a symbol of industrialism, and weak. However in looking through his photos, he has helped me to see it in a different perspective.
The second post i commented on was The Alchemist and Louis L'Amour. This post was about his reaction to the reading of The Alchemist. He poses the question of "Do we allow space in schools for pursuing dreams." He didnt think so and explained why. He thinks that it is because schools are far too often focused only on covering the curriculum and meeting standards. I told him that i agree with him fully and that schools should allow students to expand explore different areas and ideas. He posted that he loved the quote by Louis L'Amour of "More important was that school was interfering with my education," on why he dropped out of school and pursued other things. I told Mr. Kaechele I believe that it is the standards and curriculums that schools must follow that turn kids away from schooling, hurt their chances of finding what they really want to do, and even make them drop out and leave school for good.
Blog Post #11

For this blog post we were assigned to watch First Graders in Ms. Cassidy's Class and Ms. Cassidy's Skype. Her techniques for teaching with technology in the classroom are very useful to everyone. I believe her use of blogs and a classroom webpage was fantastic even for such young children because kids love to play and love to explore on computers. So for her students to be able to use computers and internet probably helped them to be much more interested in the material and much more enthused about schooling in general. I think that for older students in a high school setting, playing on computers is more of a distraction than an actual fun learning experience because most of the students in schools now a days probably know more than the teacher does anyways. However, i would be very interested in using blogs and classroom websites as a technique for my classroom so that i can put up extra resources, homework assignments, and even quizzes for students to take at home. I would also use it for a place that students who were absent could go and see what we did in class that day. She puts on her blogs videos for her students to go and watch about ABC's and reading practice and these are all extra resources that are helping her students get a step ahead on other students in other classes. For my classroom i would use it to put up instructional videos on how to do projects, how to complete certain homework examples, and upcoming events. Wikis also would be a good resource to use in the classroom as she did for any age student. This would be useful in helping students to do research for projects or research papers. And skype to me would be very useful because you could have a guest speaker without ever having to leave the classroom or having that person travel all the way to where you are.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Monday, October 25, 2010
Blog Post #10
Morgan Bayda's Blog
We were assigned to read a post by Morgan Bayda, who is a new teacher working in Canada. The experiences in her post and in the video by Dan Brown reflected the ones of my schooling here. Like she says, she goes to class to sit thru a lecture struggling to keep my eyes open. In some classes, not all, there is little to no interaction about a topic between students. This is not true for one of my classes I have this semester where when we go to class we get into our groups and so basically the whole learning experience is collaberative group work. I agree with Dan Brown when he says that yes education is using some forms of education in schools today such as email or online databases, but in order to really succeed you must use more of the technology being introduced into society today. In some of my classes today my teachers learn names of students but in most experiences its the students who ask questions and go to the teacher for help who actually have their names remembered by the teacher. The teacher never really bothers to try, although with a class of 200 I really cant blame him/her. To me, depending on the course, most classes do consist of what Dan Brown says. He said that his classes consisted of the teacher teaching facts and come test time the students simply regurgitate the facts and information. This class to me is an exception to all these experiences and concepts. It is something more along the lines I think of what they are trying to explain in this video and post.
In two questions that can change your life, he created two questions for us. The first is "What's my sentence?" and the second is "Was I better today than yesterday?" They can affect me by helping me realize what i am trying to do in this world. I believe my sentence is "I believe I was put on this earth to help people, and so i am becoming a teacher."
We were assigned to read a post by Morgan Bayda, who is a new teacher working in Canada. The experiences in her post and in the video by Dan Brown reflected the ones of my schooling here. Like she says, she goes to class to sit thru a lecture struggling to keep my eyes open. In some classes, not all, there is little to no interaction about a topic between students. This is not true for one of my classes I have this semester where when we go to class we get into our groups and so basically the whole learning experience is collaberative group work. I agree with Dan Brown when he says that yes education is using some forms of education in schools today such as email or online databases, but in order to really succeed you must use more of the technology being introduced into society today. In some of my classes today my teachers learn names of students but in most experiences its the students who ask questions and go to the teacher for help who actually have their names remembered by the teacher. The teacher never really bothers to try, although with a class of 200 I really cant blame him/her. To me, depending on the course, most classes do consist of what Dan Brown says. He said that his classes consisted of the teacher teaching facts and come test time the students simply regurgitate the facts and information. This class to me is an exception to all these experiences and concepts. It is something more along the lines I think of what they are trying to explain in this video and post.
In two questions that can change your life, he created two questions for us. The first is "What's my sentence?" and the second is "Was I better today than yesterday?" They can affect me by helping me realize what i am trying to do in this world. I believe my sentence is "I believe I was put on this earth to help people, and so i am becoming a teacher."
Additional Assignment #3
We were assigned to watch Changing Educational Paradigms by Sir Ken Robinson. There is nothing in this video that I dont agree with and it is done in a way that grabs the attention of the listener by doing in the animated format. I believe his main point for the video is to get us to realize that our educational system needs to change. We must get rid of the older curiculum that he says was thought of during the industrial revoltuion and create something new to help educate our children to take their place in society today. He gives the example that most kids these days are diagnosed with ADHD and it is all because we are teaching the same old boring things in the classroom. I agree that it is not an epidemic that is spreading across the country and that we are doing as he says, which is getting our children through school by anaesthetising them. When he says that changing the paradigm is about going in the opposite direction of standardization, I completely agree with him there.
I think that we are able to address the issues he brings up by working to make our individual classrooms the way he thinks schools should be run. Of course one classroom out of the whole school wont make a huge difference but it is definitely a start. We could turn away from standardization, turn to more convergent thinking, and help to educate children to take their place in society. I loved the animation video style and if I were to be a part of a team making this type of video, since I absolutely cannot draw I would try to be more of maybe the author or the idea generator.
I think that we are able to address the issues he brings up by working to make our individual classrooms the way he thinks schools should be run. Of course one classroom out of the whole school wont make a huge difference but it is definitely a start. We could turn away from standardization, turn to more convergent thinking, and help to educate children to take their place in society. I loved the animation video style and if I were to be a part of a team making this type of video, since I absolutely cannot draw I would try to be more of maybe the author or the idea generator.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Monday, October 18, 2010
Blog Post #9
What I've learned this year
We were assigned to read "What I've Learned This Year" by Mr. McClung. He makes very valid points in this blog post and I agree with each one he has posted and I think that each are a valuable lesson that we as young aspiring teachers can learn a great deal from. He says that you must be able to let your audience drive your instruction and i believe that is the whole part of teaching. Teach for comprehension and not for what others think about you. His next point was basically dont sweat the small stuff. Here he explains that not every lesson plan is perfect and you must simply go with the flow. I know that this is something that teachers face all the time and I think that if teachers would learn to do like he says then it would make their lives much less stressful. He also says that we must communicate, be reasonable, and most importantly listen to your students because we may be the only one who does. I believe that it is very important to communicate and listen to your students because it builds a trusting and strong relationship between the two. Sometimes students actually look at teachers as role models for thier lives and also look at them as father/mother figures if they never really had one. That is why I think that it is very important to communicate and listen in order to help you create that bond.
We were assigned to read "What I've Learned This Year" by Mr. McClung. He makes very valid points in this blog post and I agree with each one he has posted and I think that each are a valuable lesson that we as young aspiring teachers can learn a great deal from. He says that you must be able to let your audience drive your instruction and i believe that is the whole part of teaching. Teach for comprehension and not for what others think about you. His next point was basically dont sweat the small stuff. Here he explains that not every lesson plan is perfect and you must simply go with the flow. I know that this is something that teachers face all the time and I think that if teachers would learn to do like he says then it would make their lives much less stressful. He also says that we must communicate, be reasonable, and most importantly listen to your students because we may be the only one who does. I believe that it is very important to communicate and listen to your students because it builds a trusting and strong relationship between the two. Sometimes students actually look at teachers as role models for thier lives and also look at them as father/mother figures if they never really had one. That is why I think that it is very important to communicate and listen in order to help you create that bond.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Blog Post #8
Richard Miller's two videos were about using technology in general. He made a fantastic video of him with his mac. In the first video, he demonstrated how he was using his mac to write his paper or journal about the one year anniversary of the killings at Virginia Tech. He said that in writing this, he never once went to a library and rented a book for any of the information, however he did go online and found it at the drop of a hat.
His next video is called this is how we dream. It is a part two of the first video. In this he uses his mac once again to this time demonstrate how material and information on the internet can change instantly and is updated quickly and efficiently. He describes a type of educational system of using this information and using it from online, and even though he says that he supports a system like this, he is aware of how difficult it is. He does however also forsee a time when these technologies will be used in such a way as he is describing.
I believe that i would be willing to try some of these ideas and write with multimedia as an attempt to incorporate technology into my classroom as a teacher. And i do believe that soon enough, like he believes, this type of educational system will be implemented.
I think that it would be interesting to create videos of how things work. Videos that are instructional while at the same time being hands on type learning. And in watching the 2 required videos i have found that the main points are dont procrastinate and dont blame your problems on the teacher. And also i want one of those books! is a link to the opposing view. The teachers who didnt like smartboards gave us a few examples of what smartboards do and how they arent much different than older modes of technology already in the classroom. These teachers also complain how smartboards dont make teaching in the classroom any easier. This post i put up gives a list of 20 resources provided by a smartboard and how they help, if used properly, to make things easier for the teacher.
His next video is called this is how we dream. It is a part two of the first video. In this he uses his mac once again to this time demonstrate how material and information on the internet can change instantly and is updated quickly and efficiently. He describes a type of educational system of using this information and using it from online, and even though he says that he supports a system like this, he is aware of how difficult it is. He does however also forsee a time when these technologies will be used in such a way as he is describing.
I believe that i would be willing to try some of these ideas and write with multimedia as an attempt to incorporate technology into my classroom as a teacher. And i do believe that soon enough, like he believes, this type of educational system will be implemented.
I think that it would be interesting to create videos of how things work. Videos that are instructional while at the same time being hands on type learning. And in watching the 2 required videos i have found that the main points are dont procrastinate and dont blame your problems on the teacher. And also i want one of those books! is a link to the opposing view. The teachers who didnt like smartboards gave us a few examples of what smartboards do and how they arent much different than older modes of technology already in the classroom. These teachers also complain how smartboards dont make teaching in the classroom any easier. This post i put up gives a list of 20 resources provided by a smartboard and how they help, if used properly, to make things easier for the teacher.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Additional Assignment #2
In this assignment, we watched Sugata Mitra, who is an educational scientist. He did experiments with children in countries that do not have technology and in most places he would bring in some computers for the kids to use. With this video as evidence, I do believe that if people are motivated, regardless of if they are young or old, they can learn on their own and teach themselves. I believe that for them to teach themselves, they must be with others to collaberate with each other. Computers allow for people who have never seen them before to search around and find information on the computer and about computers on their own, thereby learning and teaching themselves. Motivation is the drive for someone to learn something new and the problem is the motivation for the person wanting to solve it. I think that you can motivate someone to learn by introducing new things to them, allowing them to teach others what they learn, and also constructively criticizing the person so he/she feels accomplished. I believe that for someone who is not motivated, it will be very difficult for them to learn to learn. I definitely teach myself all the time! Im sure that most people in college do as well. Everyone is driven to make good grades so they can graduate with a degree. I believe that teachers' roles in learning are to be there to make sure that the information is understood and to be there in the event that some information needs to be clarified. Self-learning is possible, even in places that have never used or heard of the information they are trying to learn... this is the most important thing i get out of this video.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
PLN Project #10
A PLN is a Personal Learning Network. I had no clue what thast was before i came into this class nor did i really care. This class had helped me to see the importance of a PLN and how it could help me to become a better teacher. My PLN is coming along. I am not sure how many blogs i follow (if any) but when i post comments on all my assignments i choose the option that lets you know when someone has commented back and so i get notifications from teachers blogs that i posted on back in the earlier parts of the semester. This helps me to stay in touch and once im on this blog reading the new comment i then usually go and check out the new additions to the blog. I believe i am making good progress especially since i had nothing to start with. That is definitely an improvement.
C4T #2 Summary
I was assigned to comment on Mr. Needleman's Blog. His first blog that i commented on was about the six ways teachers can improve education. He came up with six fantastic ideas that i believe will actually help teachers. To summarize them shortly they are 1. say hello at the door 2. eat in the teacher cafeteria 3. teach authentic writing 4. incorporate multi-media into every lesson 5. teach art as a dicipline 6. teach test prep two minutes every day. He says that doing this will help a teacher improve their education by doing new and improved things in their classrooms for their students.
My comments for this were simply that i agreed whole-heartedly with his six ideals and told him that i would be trying these ideas out in my first class. I told him also that i believe that it is very important for a teacher to say hello to a student because it is just a good way to break the ice, joke around with the kids, and get them to know and like you better. I also told him that i would be outside my classroom after every period saying hello to all my students.
The next blog i commented on was called Three Ways to Download Movies from Youtube. In this blog he simply put up three techniques with instructions on how to download videos from youtube.
I commented that this is a great thing to know because at some schools websites such as youtube are blocked and so the teacher would need a way to show a video in class and this would be done by downloading the video first then you would be able to watch it without having the trouble of a blocked website.
My comments for this were simply that i agreed whole-heartedly with his six ideals and told him that i would be trying these ideas out in my first class. I told him also that i believe that it is very important for a teacher to say hello to a student because it is just a good way to break the ice, joke around with the kids, and get them to know and like you better. I also told him that i would be outside my classroom after every period saying hello to all my students.
The next blog i commented on was called Three Ways to Download Movies from Youtube. In this blog he simply put up three techniques with instructions on how to download videos from youtube.
I commented that this is a great thing to know because at some schools websites such as youtube are blocked and so the teacher would need a way to show a video in class and this would be done by downloading the video first then you would be able to watch it without having the trouble of a blocked website.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Blog Post #7
Randy Pausch is a professor at Carnegie Mellon who is dying of liver cancer. We watched his video entitled Last Lecture: Achieving Your Childhood Dreams. In this video he uses many different teaching methods and techniques.
One of these techniques is using visual aid, where he provides slide shows with pictures, text, and other things to help get his point across. He uses graphs and statisics and he also brings items as visual aids as well. He is also a very interactive teacher in that he knows what he is talking about, he explains to everyone unfamiliar topics in a way that that is easy to comprehend, and he also gets the crowd involved and keeps them involved by being so interactive.
He covers his topics in a very thorough way. He presents his main points and goes into depth with each point while providing many examples of how he accomplished these points. For example in talking his goals, he presents his goals then he shows how he has gone through his life doing things that he loved and how he as a person has accomplished his goals with many opportunities. These opportunities come in the form of working at places like disney, flying with his students, and even meeting his role models in life.
He also uses audio/video during his presentation. He showed videos of his virtual projects his students worked on and showed and explained the technology that he was using. The video helped to give evidence of the actual technology that he was using during his virtual projects.
One of these techniques is using visual aid, where he provides slide shows with pictures, text, and other things to help get his point across. He uses graphs and statisics and he also brings items as visual aids as well. He is also a very interactive teacher in that he knows what he is talking about, he explains to everyone unfamiliar topics in a way that that is easy to comprehend, and he also gets the crowd involved and keeps them involved by being so interactive.
He covers his topics in a very thorough way. He presents his main points and goes into depth with each point while providing many examples of how he accomplished these points. For example in talking his goals, he presents his goals then he shows how he has gone through his life doing things that he loved and how he as a person has accomplished his goals with many opportunities. These opportunities come in the form of working at places like disney, flying with his students, and even meeting his role models in life.
He also uses audio/video during his presentation. He showed videos of his virtual projects his students worked on and showed and explained the technology that he was using. The video helped to give evidence of the actual technology that he was using during his virtual projects.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Saturday, October 2, 2010
C4K #1 and #2 Summary
I was assigned to comment on Francisco Hernandez's blog. Im his first blog it was an about me post. He informed everyone reading about his hobbies, how he was doing in school, and also about what his goals were in life. I commented telling him about my hobbies and how they sound similar to his and i also told him that if he sets his mind to it, he can accomplish anything.
Next i was assigned to comment on his manifesto blog post. In this, he explained his his goals for school, for becoming a better student, and his life ahead. I told him that he has set great goals for himself and that as long as he remembers to stick with these goals, then he will surely succeed in life.
Next i was assigned to comment on his manifesto blog post. In this, he explained his his goals for school, for becoming a better student, and his life ahead. I told him that he has set great goals for himself and that as long as he remembers to stick with these goals, then he will surely succeed in life.
Blog Post #6
The Networked Student
This video was about a student in a class that meets a few days a week and then the rest of the class is online. He is in what they call the "Social Network" and he uses resources such as wiki, itunesU, and google scholar to search for and find information that he needs for his project.
Personally, I really dont like the idea of having a lecture class where you go a certain time per week and the rest of the time is online. The reason for this is because i have a cell biology class just like that now here at South and we go to class one day a week only to do a group assignment. Our lectures for the class are posted as podcasts in itunesU under our teachers link and that is where we get the lecture material for that certain unit.
When the question arises of "Why does the student even need a teacher," i believe his response answered it perfectly. The teacher essentially becomes a resource in case he has questions. For my class it is the exact same way. We have a teacher to make and put up the podcasts, answer any of our questions, and administer the test.
7th Graders Learning Experience
I think this was a great video by this 7th grader. Her class PLE reminds me of our PLN. She posts to blogs, reads the blog every morning to see what work she has to do, and she even does podcast type projects for the class. I think that this kind of technology is important for schools because of the possibilities that you have such as skyping a teacher for a different part of the country or even the world!
The Machine Is Changing Us
I like how he says that, since most conversations are on tv and they are one way conversations, then you have to be on tv to get your voice across and heard. This is true in our day in time because tv is watched in homes all over the country and it is unfortunately a very influencial part in kids lives these days. And i think he describes our generation in a pretty funny way when he says todays generation is... more miserable today than ever before and its because if they dream of being the next american idol and if they dont get it then they are shocked. I also believe people are more and more focused on themselves then what is really important, such as helping others or worrying about worldly things.
This video was about a student in a class that meets a few days a week and then the rest of the class is online. He is in what they call the "Social Network" and he uses resources such as wiki, itunesU, and google scholar to search for and find information that he needs for his project.
Personally, I really dont like the idea of having a lecture class where you go a certain time per week and the rest of the time is online. The reason for this is because i have a cell biology class just like that now here at South and we go to class one day a week only to do a group assignment. Our lectures for the class are posted as podcasts in itunesU under our teachers link and that is where we get the lecture material for that certain unit.
When the question arises of "Why does the student even need a teacher," i believe his response answered it perfectly. The teacher essentially becomes a resource in case he has questions. For my class it is the exact same way. We have a teacher to make and put up the podcasts, answer any of our questions, and administer the test.
7th Graders Learning Experience
I think this was a great video by this 7th grader. Her class PLE reminds me of our PLN. She posts to blogs, reads the blog every morning to see what work she has to do, and she even does podcast type projects for the class. I think that this kind of technology is important for schools because of the possibilities that you have such as skyping a teacher for a different part of the country or even the world!
The Machine Is Changing Us
I like how he says that, since most conversations are on tv and they are one way conversations, then you have to be on tv to get your voice across and heard. This is true in our day in time because tv is watched in homes all over the country and it is unfortunately a very influencial part in kids lives these days. And i think he describes our generation in a pretty funny way when he says todays generation is... more miserable today than ever before and its because if they dream of being the next american idol and if they dont get it then they are shocked. I also believe people are more and more focused on themselves then what is really important, such as helping others or worrying about worldly things.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Blog Post #5
I first listened to Eagle's Nest Radio and i thought that these students did a great job creating their class podcasts. I listened to the one about sharks and they provided me with facts and information about sharks that i have never known.
Next I read Langwitches blog and it explained how the teacher put together some podcasts for her students and how these podcasts actually were a benefit for her students with improving things such as listening, speaking, and presenting skills.
I listened to The Benefits of Podcasting and it is obviously about what the title claims. It tells of many ways that podcasting can benefit students. Like an example being, what does a teacher do when he/she has a student that is absent for a long period of time. Their answer was that you can upload podcasts and the student from home can get the materials and classwork for the day.
By doing all this, I learned that you are able to put different segments of people speaking into one continuous podcast by pausing and inserting other peoples podcasts. Also i learned that you can add music to the background of your podcasts. These assignments helped me learn a list of ways that podcasting can benefit students by things such as outside the classroom interaction and also that podcasting opens students to creativity and a new way of learning.
Next I read Langwitches blog and it explained how the teacher put together some podcasts for her students and how these podcasts actually were a benefit for her students with improving things such as listening, speaking, and presenting skills.
I listened to The Benefits of Podcasting and it is obviously about what the title claims. It tells of many ways that podcasting can benefit students. Like an example being, what does a teacher do when he/she has a student that is absent for a long period of time. Their answer was that you can upload podcasts and the student from home can get the materials and classwork for the day.
By doing all this, I learned that you are able to put different segments of people speaking into one continuous podcast by pausing and inserting other peoples podcasts. Also i learned that you can add music to the background of your podcasts. These assignments helped me learn a list of ways that podcasting can benefit students by things such as outside the classroom interaction and also that podcasting opens students to creativity and a new way of learning.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Blog Post #4
Dont Teach Your Kids This Stuff
Scott McLeod is a professor at Iowa State University. He is obviously incredibly technologically savvy and he heads many programs that are designed to prepare technological school leaders. He wrote the poem Don't Teach Your Kids This Stuff. Please? and i agree with his view points totally. I like when he says that he teaches his children to use technology and that if you dont we will see who has the leg up in a decade or two. Its true that if you dont use it your going to be behind. I think he is so satirical because most people dont take learning about technology as seriously as they should.
The iSchool Initiative
This presentation banks on the idea of using ipod touches asa schools primary resource of not only technology but also everything else. He suggests taking out books, paper, copiers, and pencils out of schools and replacing them all with a simple little machine. He says we will use the applications of the itouch to learn in school and also showed many apps i have never heard of.
While there are many great apps available for this itouch, I dont think that one little piece of technology could replace the schools "essentials." I also dont think that it is feasable, at least in the near future, to think that schools can provide everyone with a $200 dollar itouch. I mean some places these days now dont even have computers. And what happens if one gets broken? Or they begin to come up missing? I do however think that it is a great idea and a very well thought out way to incorporate technology into schools.
The Lost Generation
That was an awesome video and its techniwues of saying something forward and then using those same words/sentences and reading backwards really caught my attention. I believe that it did its job in getting its point across that we make our own future and we must decide that we are going to do what is right and change the world for the better.
Eric Whitacres Virtual Choir
To me this is a most amazing feat in the field of technology. It is incredible that it was put together through the internet, the people have never met nor performed together, and it sounds absolutely amazing! It is just incredible what technology in the right hands is capable of.
Scott McLeod is a professor at Iowa State University. He is obviously incredibly technologically savvy and he heads many programs that are designed to prepare technological school leaders. He wrote the poem Don't Teach Your Kids This Stuff. Please? and i agree with his view points totally. I like when he says that he teaches his children to use technology and that if you dont we will see who has the leg up in a decade or two. Its true that if you dont use it your going to be behind. I think he is so satirical because most people dont take learning about technology as seriously as they should.
The iSchool Initiative
This presentation banks on the idea of using ipod touches asa schools primary resource of not only technology but also everything else. He suggests taking out books, paper, copiers, and pencils out of schools and replacing them all with a simple little machine. He says we will use the applications of the itouch to learn in school and also showed many apps i have never heard of.
While there are many great apps available for this itouch, I dont think that one little piece of technology could replace the schools "essentials." I also dont think that it is feasable, at least in the near future, to think that schools can provide everyone with a $200 dollar itouch. I mean some places these days now dont even have computers. And what happens if one gets broken? Or they begin to come up missing? I do however think that it is a great idea and a very well thought out way to incorporate technology into schools.
The Lost Generation
That was an awesome video and its techniwues of saying something forward and then using those same words/sentences and reading backwards really caught my attention. I believe that it did its job in getting its point across that we make our own future and we must decide that we are going to do what is right and change the world for the better.
Eric Whitacres Virtual Choir
To me this is a most amazing feat in the field of technology. It is incredible that it was put together through the internet, the people have never met nor performed together, and it sounds absolutely amazing! It is just incredible what technology in the right hands is capable of.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Additional Assignment #1
After watching this video i was informed of even more search engines at our disposal that i had no clue existed. They were google squared and wolframalpha. I believe that both provide excellent educational implications. Google squared provides tables of information on almost anything you need and its as easy as typing some words and clicking the mouse. Wolframalpha is the other search engine and just for population searches it gives you the flag, geographical location, square miles, and other important information all at your disposal again by simply typing and clicking in the search box.
My comments about the Did You Know video didnt change, this basically reenforced my views about it and the populations of the world and how much bigger china is compared to the other countries of the world.
This exercise helped me to understand and organize statistics much better than i would have been able to do before. The two new search engines give you easy to understand tables and charts on all the statistics you need and make things much more organized.
The reading about the stable boy and the ipad was very interesting. It is amazing that illiterate children of a country where they have probably never seen or heard of most of the technology in our country can pick up our technology and use it because sometimes to me it seems that i dont even know how to use most of the technology our country possesses.
My comments about the Did You Know video didnt change, this basically reenforced my views about it and the populations of the world and how much bigger china is compared to the other countries of the world.
This exercise helped me to understand and organize statistics much better than i would have been able to do before. The two new search engines give you easy to understand tables and charts on all the statistics you need and make things much more organized.
The reading about the stable boy and the ipad was very interesting. It is amazing that illiterate children of a country where they have probably never seen or heard of most of the technology in our country can pick up our technology and use it because sometimes to me it seems that i dont even know how to use most of the technology our country possesses.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Friday, September 10, 2010
C4T #1 summary
I was asked to comment on Jabiz Raisdana's blogs.
The first blog i found and read posed the question "Could you evaluate a school's committment to and success with technology by the number of teachers they have on twitter?" He found that "Most people responded that they did not feel that the number of Tweeting teachers had any correlation to a schools commitment to technology, because many people simply use Twitter to waste time." But i personally think that he has a bigger point than it just being twitter. Its more about using twitter as a reference to teachers using technology and all sorts of online work and social networks. I commented that i liked the idea of teachers implementing more technology and using more social networks in their lives as teachers. I told him how at school here these days if you look on most teachers syllabus it says contact me and by that it says by phone, by email, and by twitter and facebook too! I think that it is a good thing that teachers are using these networks because i look at it as a way for teachers to stay connected to their students even after class time is over.
The second blog was called "School should not be considered work." In this he took a students blog and pulled out some of her comments from the blog and explained how she was trying to make school into work when it should be more like a place where you come to find out what you love to learn. I agree with this and as his post went on her comments slowly began to come around to more of an open mind to looking at school a completely different way. I commented on how it is necessary for us students sometimes to hear such honesty so that we may expand our minds to thinking other ways and not just have a closed mind or biased opinion on something. In his post he really showed that he cared by trying to open his students minds to critically thinking at an early age in an effort to help them to succeed in education.
The first blog i found and read posed the question "Could you evaluate a school's committment to and success with technology by the number of teachers they have on twitter?" He found that "Most people responded that they did not feel that the number of Tweeting teachers had any correlation to a schools commitment to technology, because many people simply use Twitter to waste time." But i personally think that he has a bigger point than it just being twitter. Its more about using twitter as a reference to teachers using technology and all sorts of online work and social networks. I commented that i liked the idea of teachers implementing more technology and using more social networks in their lives as teachers. I told him how at school here these days if you look on most teachers syllabus it says contact me and by that it says by phone, by email, and by twitter and facebook too! I think that it is a good thing that teachers are using these networks because i look at it as a way for teachers to stay connected to their students even after class time is over.
The second blog was called "School should not be considered work." In this he took a students blog and pulled out some of her comments from the blog and explained how she was trying to make school into work when it should be more like a place where you come to find out what you love to learn. I agree with this and as his post went on her comments slowly began to come around to more of an open mind to looking at school a completely different way. I commented on how it is necessary for us students sometimes to hear such honesty so that we may expand our minds to thinking other ways and not just have a closed mind or biased opinion on something. In his post he really showed that he cared by trying to open his students minds to critically thinking at an early age in an effort to help them to succeed in education.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Blog Post #3
Vision Of Students Today
I believe that this video captures 75% of college students lives perfectly. If you observe a classroom today, many students bring a laptop and many are on something other than class work. As they state in the video, students pay for classes yet never show up. Also, and this is my favorite one because I can relate, most students buy hundred dollar text books and never even open them. It has happened to me many times and is very frustrating when you don’t use it and can only sell it back for half price.
I think a little more information about or examples of technology should have been implemented into this video. They could have actually shown students working with technology and teachers actually using technology as a way to help in the classroom, but overall it was a great presentation.
Its Not About Technology
I agree whole heartedly with Mrs. Hines. It seems that basically the world wants technology to take over. And maybe in 20 year, or maybe less, it will happen and we won’t have teachers in front of the classroom anymore. School will be a link on a web page that you can access from your bed at home that will take you to several podcasts of material you must learn for the day.
I personally disagree with even the possibility of that happening. I am very partial to the traditional ways of teaching where you lecture in front of the class on a chalk board and students take notes as she vaguely hints to in her paragraph about “Being a teacher without technology.” I couldn’t agree more with her paragraph about “Technology is useless without good teaching.” If you don’t know how to use it, then it really doesn’t matter how much technology you have.
Is It Okay To Be Technologically Illiterate?
I agree with his points about technology and it is true that all positions held in education, whether it is principal, inspector, or teacher, should all be held accountable for at least being able to understand some forms of technology.
I also understand where he comes from when he talks about some people being proud that they are technologically literate. People should want to learn more about technology not flaunt illiteracy. To me ignorance isn’t an excuse!
I do think the times are becoming more technologically demanding but I don’t think that it is yet to the point of where if you don’t know technology then you can’t survive in the world.
Social Media Count
The social media counter Mr. Gary Hayes has is an amazing piece of technology. It is incredible to see how active the board is and how quickly the numbers increase within a matter of seconds. This shows that for us as teachers, it is obvious that we will need some sort of technological background in the job world today. However, I still stick with my statement that we aren’t to the point yet where if we don’t know technology then we can’t function in the world; but we definitely must be aware that the times are changing.
I believe that this video captures 75% of college students lives perfectly. If you observe a classroom today, many students bring a laptop and many are on something other than class work. As they state in the video, students pay for classes yet never show up. Also, and this is my favorite one because I can relate, most students buy hundred dollar text books and never even open them. It has happened to me many times and is very frustrating when you don’t use it and can only sell it back for half price.
I think a little more information about or examples of technology should have been implemented into this video. They could have actually shown students working with technology and teachers actually using technology as a way to help in the classroom, but overall it was a great presentation.
Its Not About Technology
I agree whole heartedly with Mrs. Hines. It seems that basically the world wants technology to take over. And maybe in 20 year, or maybe less, it will happen and we won’t have teachers in front of the classroom anymore. School will be a link on a web page that you can access from your bed at home that will take you to several podcasts of material you must learn for the day.
I personally disagree with even the possibility of that happening. I am very partial to the traditional ways of teaching where you lecture in front of the class on a chalk board and students take notes as she vaguely hints to in her paragraph about “Being a teacher without technology.” I couldn’t agree more with her paragraph about “Technology is useless without good teaching.” If you don’t know how to use it, then it really doesn’t matter how much technology you have.
Is It Okay To Be Technologically Illiterate?
I agree with his points about technology and it is true that all positions held in education, whether it is principal, inspector, or teacher, should all be held accountable for at least being able to understand some forms of technology.
I also understand where he comes from when he talks about some people being proud that they are technologically literate. People should want to learn more about technology not flaunt illiteracy. To me ignorance isn’t an excuse!
I do think the times are becoming more technologically demanding but I don’t think that it is yet to the point of where if you don’t know technology then you can’t survive in the world.
Social Media Count
The social media counter Mr. Gary Hayes has is an amazing piece of technology. It is incredible to see how active the board is and how quickly the numbers increase within a matter of seconds. This shows that for us as teachers, it is obvious that we will need some sort of technological background in the job world today. However, I still stick with my statement that we aren’t to the point yet where if we don’t know technology then we can’t function in the world; but we definitely must be aware that the times are changing.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Blog Post #2
Did You Know?
To be honest, my first reaction was literally WOW! There were bits of information on this video that I had no clue were even possible! I thought it was a well thought out and very intellectual presentation that covered many interesting topics relative to our lives today.
The one thing I am unsure of however is how and where they got all this information and if the information is really true. I can only assume that this video is based on fact and that I just can’t fathom the truth. For example, I cannot see how it would be possible for India to have more honors students than America has kids. And also how there are over 200 million registered users on MySpace. It is amazing how our generation today uses the internet and how it took a mere two years for facebook to reach a market audience of 50 million people.
Mr. Winkle Wakes
This video makes me think about all the times I hear on the radio or television about someone older having a birthday. I am talking about grandparents or even great grandparents turning 100 or even older. It makes me wonder what they think about their lives. If you think about it, they have been through The Great Depression, World Wars, segregation, changes in vehicles, gas wars, tools made easier, and most importantly like the video shows, the technology age.
I both agree and disagree with its remarks on the fact that education is the same as it was the way he remembers it. Well yes kids are required to go to class, take notes, and learn, but we as students have many more resources at our fingertips than anyone that long ago could have ever imagined. And one great example would be this class, where 75% of the time is spent online and we rarely meet and have lecture. It’s a very big change from the old traditional way of learning in schools.
The Importance Of Creativity
Creativity is as important as literacy! I agree with this statement 100%. I believe that if there was as much emphasis in schools for creativity that kids would open their minds to learning at much greater capacities than they are at now.
I also believe that as much importance should be placed on activities such as music, art, and dramas is placed on math and English so that it will allow students to be more creative and possibly push them to pursue a career in something they may have previously seen as out of reach. And Mr. Robinson says it best when he says “If you’re not prepared to be wrong, you’ll never come up with anything original.”
Harness Your Students Digital Smarts
I agree with this video. To me, using many different types of learning techniques, such as using technology in the classroom, will help students of all educational backgrounds succeed. I believe this because our generation is one of much technology and it is in our faces 24/7. And there are several cases where the student will know more than the teacher. So why would we not use the resources that kids know how to use and love to use to teach your class.
I like the idea the teacher presents of when her students don’t know a definition to a word how she makes them look it up. I use technology in the same way and many times I will be on Google searching for the meaning of a word. I believe the same should be done in classes to help students to become self motivated to learn and actually help them to learn on their own as well.
To be honest, my first reaction was literally WOW! There were bits of information on this video that I had no clue were even possible! I thought it was a well thought out and very intellectual presentation that covered many interesting topics relative to our lives today.
The one thing I am unsure of however is how and where they got all this information and if the information is really true. I can only assume that this video is based on fact and that I just can’t fathom the truth. For example, I cannot see how it would be possible for India to have more honors students than America has kids. And also how there are over 200 million registered users on MySpace. It is amazing how our generation today uses the internet and how it took a mere two years for facebook to reach a market audience of 50 million people.
Mr. Winkle Wakes
This video makes me think about all the times I hear on the radio or television about someone older having a birthday. I am talking about grandparents or even great grandparents turning 100 or even older. It makes me wonder what they think about their lives. If you think about it, they have been through The Great Depression, World Wars, segregation, changes in vehicles, gas wars, tools made easier, and most importantly like the video shows, the technology age.
I both agree and disagree with its remarks on the fact that education is the same as it was the way he remembers it. Well yes kids are required to go to class, take notes, and learn, but we as students have many more resources at our fingertips than anyone that long ago could have ever imagined. And one great example would be this class, where 75% of the time is spent online and we rarely meet and have lecture. It’s a very big change from the old traditional way of learning in schools.
The Importance Of Creativity
Creativity is as important as literacy! I agree with this statement 100%. I believe that if there was as much emphasis in schools for creativity that kids would open their minds to learning at much greater capacities than they are at now.
I also believe that as much importance should be placed on activities such as music, art, and dramas is placed on math and English so that it will allow students to be more creative and possibly push them to pursue a career in something they may have previously seen as out of reach. And Mr. Robinson says it best when he says “If you’re not prepared to be wrong, you’ll never come up with anything original.”
Harness Your Students Digital Smarts
I agree with this video. To me, using many different types of learning techniques, such as using technology in the classroom, will help students of all educational backgrounds succeed. I believe this because our generation is one of much technology and it is in our faces 24/7. And there are several cases where the student will know more than the teacher. So why would we not use the resources that kids know how to use and love to use to teach your class.
I like the idea the teacher presents of when her students don’t know a definition to a word how she makes them look it up. I use technology in the same way and many times I will be on Google searching for the meaning of a word. I believe the same should be done in classes to help students to become self motivated to learn and actually help them to learn on their own as well.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Blog Assignment 1
My name Cody Coleman. I was born and raised in Robertsdale, Alabama, which is across the bay in Baldwin County about forty five minutes away. My family consists of my mother, father, and two brothers; one older, one younger. We live on a 350 acre farm where we raise approximately 250 head of beef cattle. My mother and father both are high school chemistry and physics teachers, which is what I hope to become once I graduate. And also my older brother is a high school math teacher and football coach. It just so happens that my family is my biggest drive for why I want to enter the field of education. I love children and I love to help people and I feel like that is what i was put on this earth to do. And of course I dont mind the christmas and summer breaks either.
As far as passions and hobbies, I love things that most would consider "country." I love working on our farm, hunting, fishing, riding fourwheelers, making huge bonfires out in our back pasteurs, and taking my old truck through the mud every now and then. I also love many sports. I played football in high school and i hope to coach it one day, however in my coming to South i have aquired a new love for a totally different sport. That sport is raquetball. I also love basketball, baseball and another favorite golf. I hope to one day become an old retired teacher who does nothing but travel around in my motorhome and golf!
As far as passions and hobbies, I love things that most would consider "country." I love working on our farm, hunting, fishing, riding fourwheelers, making huge bonfires out in our back pasteurs, and taking my old truck through the mud every now and then. I also love many sports. I played football in high school and i hope to coach it one day, however in my coming to South i have aquired a new love for a totally different sport. That sport is raquetball. I also love basketball, baseball and another favorite golf. I hope to one day become an old retired teacher who does nothing but travel around in my motorhome and golf!
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